“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it” (Halford E. Luccock)
Tsad Kadima (A Step Forward), the Association for Conductive Education in Israel, is an organization that works to educate and rehabilitate children and adults with cerebral palsy and motor disabilities.
A chance viewing of a documentary changed the lives of thousands of children with cerebral palsy and their families. The movie followed a British child with cerebral palsy and his parents in search of an alternative educational-rehabilitative approach and their journey to the Peto Institute in Hungary. The significant change that the child underwent caused parents and professionals in Israel to embark on a life-changing journey that led to the establishment of Tsad Kadima.
In 1987, Tsad Kadima was established by parents and professionals with the goal of advancing the Conductive Education approach (the Peto approach) developed in Hungary, integrating it as an essential part of the special education system in Israel and giving parents seeking a different educational-rehabilitative approach for their children, an alternative to the prevailing approach in Israel.
Today, the organization programs span multiple frameworks for infants, children, adolescents and adults with cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities throughout the country. Tsad Kadima’s main goal is to develop each participant’s self-esteem, independence, and competencies toward mainstreaming into regular society successfully, while providing the necessary environmental support along the way. To accomplish these goals, Tsad Kadima involves the families and follows normal daily routines as the basis for its work.
We operate in 6 cities throughout Israel – Eilat, Beer Sheva, Rishon LeTzion, Ness Ziona, Jerusalem and Or Akiva – and we are in expansion mode – having opened 2 centres in recent years and we are currently embarking on a major capital project in Jerusalem.
The frameworks run by the organization are in the field of formal education (educational-rehabilitative daycare centers, kindergartens and schools) and informal education (in the field of preparation for independent living and day centers).
Tsad Kadima is a registered non-profit organization, which is tax-exempt in Israel under section 46 of the tax ordinance (Tax ID 580115319), in USA under section 501c3 in USA (Tax ID 36-3918097) and in UK (Charity registration no. 801061). The organization is managed by a volunteer public administration and is reviewed by an accountant and the Israeli Corporations Authority.
The government funds approximately 75% of the organization’s budget and the remainder is funded by donations.