Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink in the world, and the third most widely consumed drink, after water and tea. Just as the boutique wineries in Israel have prospered over the last three decades, the boutique breweries have been following suit. The trend has entered the kitchens and many Israelis have taken up the hobby of homebrewing their own beer.

The trendy drink is also popular among adolescents whose routine goes hand in hand with drinking.

Tsad Kadima’s homebrewed beer workshop is a unique program for participants of the Adults Day Center, which allows people with disabilities active participation throughout the different stages, both theoretical and practical – from the first stage of planning, to production and possibly even marketing. The program allows new experiences as well as preparation for employment.

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To read Howard Blas’s recent article in the Jerusalem Post click here

The homebrewing process is not difficult, requires little, inexpensive equipment and materials and does not take long. This simplicity creates an available, accessible, user-friendly activity, in which the product is ready within a month’s time.

The program allows a complex activity that simultaneously develops various skills, skills that build off each other: motor function, cognition, communication, social skills, emotional skills and more.

One of the main difficulties the participants of the day center experience is in their executive function, a difficulty that crucially effects their ability to function in various situations. Executive function, or cognitive control, is a high-cognitive skill set that allows control of one’s behavior, thoughts and emotions, skills with which goals can be achieved. Executive functions have a wide range of cognitive skills such as; a decrease in impulsivity, working memory, emotional control, initiation, flexible thinking, transitions, perseverance, planning and organization, finding solutions and self-inspection.

Additionally, taking part in the process can motivate, can instill a positive, active attitude, and can develop a sense of capability. All these are presented in an age-appropriate, socially accepted, trendy activity.

To support “Bira Kadima” and/or to coordinate a visit, please contact Benjy Maor at

+972-54-6161249 or