Enhanced Mobility Program

קידום ניידות בימבות צעד קדימה

Many children with cerebral palsy have severe motor disabilities, affecting some or all of their limbs. Most of them have to use a wheel chair and others will always have to rely on mobility assisting devices. Enabling these children, at a young age, to have a taste of self directed mobility is vital to the development of their personality, development of feelings of self worth and has a great influence on the level of functionality they will achieve as adults.

For this purpose, Tsad Kadima developed the Enhanced Mobility Program that includes purchasing powered mobility chairs for toddlers with cerebral palsy, physiotherapy and gymnasium equipment, and an increase in physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions.

The common denominator of these programs is directed to increasing feelings of self worth and instilling faith and motivation in the child with cerebral palsy to develop into an adult with as many chances as possible to integrate into society.